Grant Applications
The Clinton County Community Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors encourages all eligible nonprofits and municipal subdivisions to apply for a grant to help Clinton County and its residents!
To be considered it is necessary that your grant-funded project benefit Clinton County residents.
It is also required be designated as a 501(c) by the Internal Revenue Service, and the current 501(c) IRS exemption letter must be submitted with the grant application, along with the nonprofit's IRS 990 form.
Here is the link to the state's website for charitable organizations: Home (
This link will take you directly to the page where all the links are to
1. Apply for the certificate using the BCO-10 or
2. Request exemption using the BCO-9.
Guidelines and a Grant Application for the Foundation's 2025 grant program can be obtained as of Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Be aware, grant guidelines are online but are subject to change. All 2025 proposals sent by postal mail must be postmarked no later than Dec. 2, 2024. All proposals provided in person must be submitted to the Foundation office directly at 350 East Water St., Lock Haven, Pa., by 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, 2024.
Call (570) 220-1038 or visit this site. Once your application is complete, mail or drop off no less than 12 paper copies of the completed two-page application with supporting documentation. Please include just one copy of your IRS Form 990, one copy of your Bureau of Charitable Organizations (BOCO) certificate, and one copy of your current 501 (c) IRS exemption letter. We do NOT accept applications by email. Please mail your paper copies to:
Clinton County Community Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 652
350 East Water Street
Lock Haven PA 17745
Again: To be reviewed, your 2025 application must be received no later than 5 p.m. Monday, DEC. 2, 2024. The application will then be considered at the January 2025 annual meeting.
A Woman's Concern, $5,000
ABSOLUTELY! Theatre and Fundraising, $1,500
American Red Cross North Central Pennsylvania Chapter, $4,000
Annie Halenbake Ross Library (Friendship Library), $1,893.36
Annie Halenbake Ross Library (Renovo Library), $1,506.66
Annie Halenbake Ross Library (Ross Library), $7,424
Annie Halenbake Ross Library (Traveling Library), $2,193
Artpost Awareness Inc., $932
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, $8,000
Citizen's Hose Co. No. 5, $15,000
City of Lock Haven, Pickle Ball, $500
City of Lock Haven, City Beach, $2,500
City of Lock Haven, Summer Concert Series, $6,000
Clinton County Arts Council, LH JAMS, $7,650
Clinton County CleanScapes, Inc., Recycling, $7,500
Clinton County Conservation District, Annual Farm City Event, $1,500
Clinton County Conservation District, No Till Garden at SVRCC, $1,500
Clinton County Economic Partnership Foundation, $5,000
Clinton County Fair Association Inc., Manure Storage Facility, $3,462.42
Clinton County Fair Association Inc., Public Address System-Phase 2, $23,800
Clinton County Government/Emergency Services, $3,771.69
Clinton County Healthy Communities (Dental Clinic), $6,000
Clinton County Historical Society, $2,500
Clinton County Housing Coalition, Inc., Life Center Storage, $3,600
Clinton County Police Camp Cadet, Lacy Day Camp, $2,000
Clinton County Police Camp Cadet, $8,000
Clinton County S.P.C.A., Spay Day, $8,875
Clinton County S.P.C.A., Trap, Neuter, Return, $7,500
Clinton County United Way, Dolly Parton Library, $11,000
Clinton County Women's Center, Inc. - dba Roads to Peace, $10,000
Covenant United Methodist Women Blessings in a Backpack, $800
Dogwood Circle Garden Club, City Gardens-Monuments, $1,250
Downtown Lock Haven, Inc., Black Box Murals, $3,550
Dunnstown Fire Co., Floor Upgrade, $5,000.
Flemington Borough, $1,686.22
Foundation for Free Enterprise, $4,170
Good Neighbor Center of the Renovo Council of Churches, $12,850
Goodwill Hose Co. Ambulance Assoc. Inc., Stretcher & Chair Stair, $32,000
Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park, Summer Concert Series, $3,000
Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park, Magic In The Air, $2,000
Haneyville Volunteer Fire Co., UTV, 4,442.66
Horses of Hope, PATH membership, Workshop, $2,000
Infant Development Program, Inc., Special MiniVan, $20,000
Lamar Township Supervisors, Long Run Recreation Sports Surface Upgrade, $8,646
LHU Foundation - Kent's Fest, $6,000
Lock Haven Area Shoe Bank, Shoes, Socks, Books, Boots, $10,000
Mill Hall Volunteer Fire Co., $5,000
Millbrook Playhouse, Senior & Veterans Patron Program, $5,360
Nittany Valley Volunteer Fire Co., Brush Truck Replacement, $7,500
Nittany Valley Volunteer Fire Co., Tool Conversion, $7,500
PA State Flaming Foliage Festival, $5,000
Penn State Extension - Clinton County, 4-H Livestock Arena, Steer Barn, $5,821
Pine Creek Twp. Recreation Committee, Woolrich Park Community events, $2,500
Porter Township, Library Improvements, $3,000
Renovo Borough, Storage for Summer Park Program, $1,372.99
South Renovo Borough, Playground Improvements, $3,000
St. Paul's Food Pantry, $3,000
Sugar Valley Lions Food Pantry, $3,000
The Salvation Army of Lock Haven, More than Bread Emergency Feeding-Shower, $10,000
Western Clinton County Recreation Authority, Bathroom Partition, $$4,198
Western Clinton County Sportsmen's Association, $2,500
Woodward Township Recreation Committee, Boat Launch Restrooms, $5,000
Woolrich Volunteer Fire Co. #1, Generator, $2,500